Removing Smoke Smell from Upholstery

If you’re a smoker or if you’ve recently had a fire in your home, you know how difficult it can be to remove the smoke smell from your upholstery. The odour of smoke can cling to fabrics, making it difficult to remove even with regular cleaning. If you’re looking for ways to get rid of the smoke smell from your upholstery, here are some methods you can try.


Suggested Chemical

Kill Odour is a powerful deodoriser with pear drop fragrance for complete odour removal. Not a masking agent – it actually ‘eats’ away the bad smells. For urine, faeces, smoke damage, vomit, refuse and other spillages. Dilution Rate: 1:20 or use neat in bad areas. pH 6.5-7.5



The first step in removing smoke smell from upholstery is to air out the space. Open windows and doors to let fresh air circulate. This will help to reduce the concentration of smoke in the air and make it easier to remove the odour from your upholstery.


Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural odour absorber, making it an effective solution for removing smoke smell from upholstery. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the affected areas and let it sit for several hours. This will give the baking soda time to absorb the smoke odour. After several hours, vacuum up the baking soda.



Another effective solution for removing smoke smell from upholstery is vinegar. Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on the affected areas and let it dry completely. The vinegar will help to neutralize the smoke odour and freshen up your upholstery.


Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is another natural odour absorber that can be used to remove smoke smell from upholstery. Place activated charcoal bags near the affected area for several days to absorb the smoke odour. This method is especially effective for removing stubborn smoke odours that are difficult to remove with other methods.


Professional Cleaning

If the smoke smell is particularly strong or persistent, consider hiring a professional cleaning service that specializes in removing smoke odour from upholstery. These services use advanced cleaning methods and equipment to remove even the toughest smoke odours.


In conclusion, removing smoke smell from upholstery can be a challenging task, but it is not impossible. By using a combination of the methods mentioned above, you can get rid of the smoke odour from your upholstery and enjoy a fresh and clean living space. Just be patient, persistent, and persistent and you’ll be successful in removing the smoke smell from your upholstery.