Proclen Skincare cartridge refill dispensing solution, offers a range of high-quality hand soaps, sanitisers, and hand creams.
Dispensing from our own range wall mounted, high quality locking ABS cartridge dispenser, made right here in the UK.

Cartridge dispensers offer a low maintenance solution to promoting good hand hygiene, refilling is quick and easy, simply open the dispenser with the key, remove the empty cartridge and replace with a new one – shut the lid and the process is complete.
As the cartridge is sealed there is no issue with messy spillages, saving time and money.
Luxury Blue Perfumed Foam Soap
Code: PSC-069
Pack Size: 6 x 1L
A high quality perfumed foam hand cleaner. A mild and effective formula for removal of light to medium soiling. Pleasantly perfumed with added emollients, leaving hands feeling smooth and conditioned.
Lime Hand Scrub
Code: PSC-079
Pack Size: 6 x 1L
A gentle but heavy duty skin cleanser that rapidly and effectively removes oil, grease, household paints, general dirt and grime without exposing the user to harsh petroleum-based products.
Based on natural citrus extracts which clean well and improve user acceptability. Contains no environmentally harmful plastic beads.
Alcohol Gel 70% Hand Sanitiser
Code: PSC-089
Pack Size: 6 x 1L
Quality medical grade alcohol hand sanitiser gel.
Contains 70%+ alcohol for quick and effective hand sanitising and skin conditioners to prevent drying skin without leaving sticky residue.
Approved to EN1500 and EN1276. This formulation has also been tested to EN 14476:2013+A2 which included both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses.
Protect Hand Care Cream
Code: PSC-094
Pack Size: 6 x 1L
A highly effective barrier cream containing a skin moisturiser to ensure the skin is kept in a smooth and supple condition.
Designed as a universal application cream and is suitable for both wet and dry work. It is long lasting, non-tacky and non-slippery on the hands. It’s skin conditioning properties makes it ideal as a pre-work and after work reconditioning cream. No added lanolin or perfume.
Complies with EC Cosmetic Products Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009.
Biodegradable to EC guidelines (greater than 80% biodegradable in 28 days).
Antibacterial Foam Soap
Code: PSC-072
Pack Size: 6 x 1L
An antibacterial foam hand cleaner with a mild, effective formulation to remove light to medium soiling. A non-perfumed, non-tainting formulation to protect against hand and food borne infections. With added emollient to leave the hands feeling smooth and conditioned.
Complies with EN1276 and EN13727 killing 99.9% germs in 30 seconds. Suitable for use in a wide range of applications including medical and food preparation areas.
Heavy Duty Hand Scrub
Code: PSC-086
Pack Size: 6 x 1L
A heavy duty hand cleaner with scrubbers for the most demanding environments like workshops, mechanical and manufacturing facilities, this is a hand soap that will clean the hardest working hands.
Alcohol Free Hand Sanitiser
Code: PSC-073
Pack Size: 6 x 1L
An odourless non-tainting skin sanitiser.
Conforms to: EN1276; EN14479- killing 99.99% of most common bacteria and enveloped viruses
EN1500 hygienic hand rub certification.
Proclen Skincare Cartridge Dispenser
Pack Size: Single
A high quality locking ABS cartridge dispenser, manufactured in the UK.